King of a Nation

O’ Muhammad… O’ Muhammad

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You are the best of all of creation
No words can hurt you, king of a nation
Men and Jinn all the same… bow when hearing your name
Only those with no shame… your name mock and defame

By your hand truth is led… O’ Muhammad

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There is just one truth, and you are its king
You’re truth if it were a human being
The whole world’s falsehood… runs from you, as it should
We have all understood… truth stands where you have stood

Truth by your hand is fed… O’ Muhammad

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In Allah’s own words, you are His mercy
Were mercy a man, Ahmed it would be
Of mercy you are full… sent by the Merciful
Your birth is proof to all… to remain hopeful

How can any still dread… O’ Muhammad

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In this world’s darkness, you were born a light
Those drowning in sin rejoiced in delight
No-one glanced at Heaven… no sunrise had risen
Only when you’d begun… the Heavens would glisten

We would raise up our heads… O’ Muhammad

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Your name in itself means the praiseworthy
Whenever you turn, Heavens with you sway
The sun picks up its rays… and in Medina it lays
Were there no end to days… your name still we would praise

Beyond words that are read… O’ Muhammad

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You stand not alone, by you is Ali
The flesh to your bone, door to your mercy
Some by this are upset… it’s like you they forget
Your dome knows who is next… Ali, your minaret

He who slept in your bed… O’ Muhammad

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London – 30/11/18

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