Karbala Taught Us

I fear not of man
Because I know all men die
And while death is a truth
I find even death can lie
Because a man can die but his ideas can live on
Because a man can die but his legacy won’t

So I wake up from my sleep
And I focus on my dreams
Because you can’t live a lie
Where nothing is as it seems
And I march a man yearning to be free
To live and die dignified on my feet

They tell me it won’t work
Or that this road never ends
Yes I know the road is long
But I will never give in
Because I found my strength in Hussain’s legacy
because hussain gave all so others could live free*

Karbala taught us
We gcan never bow
(It taught me and taught many)
Karbala taught me
You can never bow
(There is no choice between death and indignity)
Karbala taught me
You can never bow

* * *

They took away our rights
As if it’s their right to take
They took away our honour
Just to see if we would break
But so long as God gives us air to breathe
Will we not lose sight of our dignity

So I pick up my legs
And I call out for Hussain
And if ever I’d fall
I’d call for him again
Every time and place may have a Yazid
But Hussain’s stand defies all tyranny

Where there are people oppressed
There is the flag of Abbas
Where there is evil there’s hope
Because only goodness lasts
So we’ll rise waving flags till the dawn
And we’ll cry Hussain the sweetest sound

Karbala taught me
You can never bow
(It’s is the hope of the hopeless)
Karbala taught me
You can never bow
(It’s inspires us to aspire for better)
Karbala taught me
You can never bow

* * *

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