The Sun’s Demise

The sun’s demise… the moon must rise
The moon must rise… the sun’s demise
What light is there left to reflect
When it’s beacon with death has met
And without light the Earth is left
The moon must rise

* * *

This is Mohammed, the trail of salvation
The speech of God, His seal, crown on creation
The revered, the remembered, the compilation
Of God’s own word upon each world and each nation
The Quran’s mirror, which reveres his position
A mirror where adored more is its reflection

The words of God… His face adored
His face adored… the words of God

So beautified… for him men cried
For him men cried… so beautifed
Never on beauty has man wept
Never has tears out from words crept
And without light the Earth is left
The moon must rise

* * *

How can the moon, hero of Badr and Uhud
Take hold the sun and bury all its light and good?
How can he who in battle disbelief withstood
Bury justice in the ground, and let live falsehood?
Or how can he who saw immortal brotherhood
Severe ties that go beyond even fatherhood?

How can a son… bury a sun
Bury a sun… how can a son?

How can a light… embrace the night?
Embrace the night… how can a light?
How can light, a light extinguish
And embrace all of its anguish
When its light others shall tarnish
The moon must rise

* * *

If the moon forever to guard the sun had vowed
How are its hands to bury him by it allowed?
How can the sword that stood by him, courageous, proud
Hide and cover its idol deep beneath the ground?
How can a sword its owner bury and enshroud?
And the moon weeps, using its tears to the sun shroud

The moon it weeps… Mohammed sleeps
Mohammed sleeps… the moon it weeps

The moon it speaks… tears on its cheeks
Tears on its cheeks… the moon it speaks

Islam to victory I led
Yet today tears of blood I shed
Today I bury Mohammed
The moon must rise

* * *

I am the moon, Mohammed, your light I reflect
Not once did your command I question or reject
I believed when you said “believe”, a word perfect
I did not see a cause but you, you I’d protect
Not a single revelation would I neglect
Every arrow with my own chest I would deflect

I did not fear… your words I’d hear
Your words I’d hear… I did not fear

And now I come… to shroud the sun
To shroud the sun… and now I come
I come to shroud all that I’ve loved
Without a sun O’ my beloved
The moon is left alone, unloved
The moon must rise

* * *

O’ sun you spoke of a Lord one, and I’d listen
You made me laugh and made me cry just as often
When I was born, to my mother, you would hasten
I opened my eyes, your smile, it would glisten
You held me in your arms, the moon you would brighten
A moon that grew to defend you, when they’d threaten

We were like one… a moon and sun
A moon and sun… we were like one

And now we part… for you depart
For you depart… and now we part
And the sun it shall rise no more
No more a sun can I adore
And the sun, it shall set before
The moon must rise

* * *

I bury you and from my eyes a river flows
Drowning this sun in the moon’s grief and its sorrows
The earth opens for you, but for me it narrows
You leave this world, and all goodness, your light follows
I cry “Mohammed!” and my cry, the world echoes
The tears that fall to you roses, for me arrows

My hands they shake… my heart it breaks
My heart it breaks… my hands they shake

Heaven smiles… as I wail
As I wail… Heaven smiles
When you passed to another world
Over your grave the moon wailed
And with the world alone in duelled
The moon must rise

* * *

(London – 16/10/12)

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