Nothing But Hussain

When we die will you stand with us
When we’re lowered into the grave
We have nothing but Hussain… We have nothing but Hussain

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If the whole world turned against us
Your love in our hearts remains
We have nothing but Hussain… We have nothing but Hussain

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When we die, And sins are burdens… no escape, As the grave tightens
We shall call, For our salvation… Ya Hussain… Ya Hussain

When alive, we loved your service… when we die. save us from distress
For we cried Ya Hussain always…. ya Hussain.. Ya Hussain

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When the whole world forgot your name… we could never forget
Zahra’s sunrise and sunset… Zahra’s sunrise and sunset

As we grew old and we moved on… we would all still recite
Your story and we would cry… Your story and we would cry

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Don’t forget, Hussain when in need… you we’d call, as we cry and bleed
When we die, for us intercede… Ya Hussain… Ya Hussain

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(Dearborn – 23/06/22)

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