Just Like Ali

Poisoned is Ali Sajjad, my father
They take one Ali after another
Just like Ali… left has Ali

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The tears that wept for Karbala… upon them I shed my tears
From grief my father’s eyes swollen… like he lived a thousand years
His head would fall in prostration… after seeing heads on spears
Now he joins them, and I mourn him… one more Ali disappears

What hatred that lives for the sweetest name?
Gone are all of the Alis of Hussain
All named Ali.. left has Ali

* * *

It started with the one Ali… whose womb was the house of God
Haidar was not shaped like a man… but shaped like a two-pronged sword
Their fathers cut down at Badr… as the angels would applaud
So they struck him, and they killed him… in prostration to his Lord

It’s as if hating Ali is reserved
For those who hate when the adhaan is called
Hate for Ali.. left has Ali

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I witness in my father’s eyes… the ghost of Ali Akbar
His backbone gone, how difficult… is the loss of a brother
Just like Hussain once had Abbas… Akbar was his flagbearer
When Hussain brought Akbar’s body… he’d lament beside Layla

Hussain says O’ Layla accept your son
Tell Sajjad that his beloved brother’s gone
Gone has Ali.. left has Ali

* * *

My father was shackled, beaten… for having the name Ali
And when Ruqaya would ask why… Shimr’s tongue would blame Ali
Yazid is startled on his throne… “is that not the same Ali?
That killed my blood once at Hunayn”… he’d curse and defame Ali

He’d curse Ali from Fatima’s pulpit
As Ali’s granddaughters were cursed and hit
All for Ali.. left has Ali

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They may hate the name of Ali… but it lives on, on our tongues
In the Quran, in the adhaan… Ali’s name is never gone
And we shall cry out Ya Ali… until our deaths, one by one
And we shall point toward Najaf… when they ask us where we’re from

In an ancient shrine that sits in Najaf
Lies the source of our honour and our bliss
There lies Ali.. left has Ali

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Baqir buries one more Ali… placing him deep in his grave
He can still hear his father weep… echoing are the soundwaves
And as he throws dust upon him… Najaf he begins to crave
He hears him scream, is it a dream… “son I was taken captive!”

“I was taken captive and with Zainab
And tasted shackle’s metal and their whips
I was Ali..” left has Ali

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(Dearborn – 23/08/22)

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