
Father… courage flows in my veins
Father… my revolt is Hussain’s
Father… I’ll hold faith by its reins… I’ll topple tyrants’ reigns… and ensure justice rains

* * *

Father, O’ last Hassan and just like him alone
O’ Hussain without an Abbas – no backbone
We’ve reached the end as the ten before you had known
Herein only Allah knows what’s next, its unknown
You leave for the next world, for the Almighty’s throne
I leave, but I remain, waiting by the black stone

To Earth… both of us bid goodbye
To Earth… but only one of us die
To Earth… therein your body shall lie… and whilst I shall wait I… will do so with my head high… father

* * *

Here I stand alone, on the edge of time’s end
Embracing alone, how much time alone I’ll spend
My mission begins now as time becomes my friend
Two hands to wipe my tears, my uncle Abbas shall lend
My salutations to my grandfather I send
“Your blood shall be avenged, and your wounds I shall mend”

Those wounds… after me will no more bleed
Those wounds… tears they will no more need
Those wounds… shall fade out for I shall lead… a revolt that you shall heed… and Hussain you shall be pleased… father

* * *

Father here I stand firm and your grave I salute
Bani Asad’s tree guarding Hussain’s grave, no more mute
Maytham was tied to me, I know well of my root
I know more of routes in Heaven than my route
My bloodline was born in a Ka’ba destitute
Now one billion heads bow yearning its pursuit

I stand… firm not unlike a mountain
I stand… flowing in me a fountain
I stand… for those by justice smitten… for ruled by rulers bitten… to break shackles that tighten… father

* * *

Father, O’ buried that owns land he’s buried in
Samarra glistens like the North Star with you within
When makes your golden dome explode the son of sin
I shall hold its head high with my thumb on its chin
No doubt, blood flows much in the land of the Bedouin
I’ll avenge it all, I swear by my Hashemi skin

Blood flows… and I wade in its rivers
Blood flows… I hear all of its whispers
Blood flows… I see all of their horrors… I feel fear of my lovers… I have faith in believers…father

* * *

Father, my time will come, when ordained by our Lord
It’s not in my blood that screams of oppressed are ignored
I sail beneath their tears, which make seas when they’re poured
Every injustice, small or big, I record
For I am the justice of God, rest assured
Evil and good are separate faces on my sword

Days pass… like prayer-beads in fingers
Days pass… unlike the sun lingers
Days pass… forgotten shall be hungers… unforgotten God’s angers… my sword yearns my forefingers… father

* * *

The day the call is heard, that the truth lies with Ali
I’ll appear by God’s house, standing beside three-one-three
People will part for me like Musa and the red sea
Just like slaves of our time, the enslaved shall be free
The dead shall recall how just our household would be
And Earth shall feed the roots of Ali’s family tree

An oath… written in the final book
An oath… Earth by justice shall be shook
An oath… the eye of justice shall look… its cloak lifted of its hook… I’ll return what evil took… father

* * *

Father, your mission ends but now mine shall begin
Muhammad shall rise and destroy the idols again
I wait, pleased with what the Lord’s written with his pen
My one thousand plus years are not worth Hussain’s ten
When the Lord of the worlds calls my name, there and then
I’ll begin with Hussain’s name and end with amen

Hussain… I weep blood on his tenth day
Hussain… his name makes the whole world sway
Hussain… daily by his grave I pray… asking Allah if today… I throw my waiting away… father

* * *

(London – 07/12/16)



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