Fed Courage

I am the son of the one named as Haider
The same Haider who gave worth to the Ka’bah
Fed courage within the milk of my mother
When I walk pass lions I see them shudder

* * *

When the children turn and ask me for water
I’ll tear through bodies to get to the river
Tell the Angel of Death just so it is clear
I will rip through death itself for my Master

* * *

These thousand soldiers to me do not compare
I am one and I have brought them all despair
Muhammad smiles seeing my flag flutter
When they all see me their faces change colour

* * *

I have become death itself in Karbala
All thirty-thousand running away in fear
On the battlefield I search for Shimr
Like Marhab’s head Shimr’s head I will shatter

* * *

The men who brought fear to Zainab, my sister
I’ll make them all turn and stand and salute her
And bow toward the tents of Hussain’s daughters
Beside my Master Hussain nothing matters

* * *

(London – 20/10/18)

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