Akbar or Ali

Whose is that body… Akbar or Ali

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I ponder on as in the steps of death my footsteps tread
How the peace of my heart was stolen and been replaced by dread
The blood on my son’s shirt looks just like old blood that was shed
They’ve killed another Ali that looks just like Muhammad

Who is that I see… Akbar or Ali

* * *

I am Hussain and from crying my eyes cannot refrain
Remembering my father here upon Karbala’s plains
I see my son stand against thousands as if it’s Hunayn
It’s as if I see my beloved father Ali again

Who is that really… Akbar or Ali

* * *

As if it wasn’t enough that everybody has gone
My sons departure feels as if my flesh has left my bone
I see departing my reflection, all that I have known
Now if Abu Fadhil leaves me I’ll truly be alone

Whose death makes me sway… Akbar or Ali

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When my son Akbar left his mother and he left the tents
I remembered when my father left me and I lament
Just like Ali left our house when toward the mosque he went
I will only see my beloved within his own blood drenched

Which was sent away… Akbar or Ali

* * *

It may be that my son departs but I have no regret
For if we let go of Ali’s love what do we have left?
My flesh and bone and soul and heart and being all attest
Whoever departs from Ali’s path is left in unrest

Who is the wali… Akbar or Ali

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I am grateful that after Muhammad I chose Haider
I thank Allah that he made Ali my first Calipha
For how long have I missed the scent and sight of my father
I thank Allah that Ali returned as Ali Akbar

Always part of of me… Akbar or Ali

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They strike (Akbar’s) head, he falls forward, angles in lamentation
Just like my father Ali was struck in his prostration
I hear Jibraeel cry a scream from the seven Heavens:
The pillars of Islam today face their demolition

On who do swords pray… Akbar or Ali

* * *

How is it that the past and present today intertwine
I saw my son struck like my father once upon a time
When I saw Ali’s head struck I felt that struck had been mine
Have I really seen two Ali’s struck within lifetime

Who is that I see… Akbar or Ali

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London – 28/08/20

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