We’re the Daughters

We are all the daughters… of the young Ruqaya
We live… inspired by her life and her name
We live… just to serve the daughter of Hussain

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The first memory I have and can remember
Was a majlis about Imam Hussain’s daughter
Holding a flag given to me by my mother
We would sit and hear the story of Ruqaya

A heart breaking story… I’d watch my mother cry
She’d say… “let your tears upon Ruqaya rain”
We live… just to serve the daughter of Hussain

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Many children have suffered, but not like this one
Her father was killed thirsty, by him was no-one
They put her in chains and marched her beneath the sun
When she’d cry out for Abbas, no Abbas would come

Abbas went for water… no-one came back to her
Her heart… was as confused as it was in pain
We live… just to serve the daughter of Hussain

* * *

She saw Hussain in a dream and woke up screaming
“I want my father Hussain”, they’d hear her crying
They brought her a bowl – “what is that?” she was asking
They showed her and the angels heard her start wailing

In it was Hussain’s head… there and then her soul left
O’ world… what was her crime and what was her sin?
We live… just to serve the daughter of Hussain

* * *

(London – 09/11/18)

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