Thirst Quencher

I’m the lion that other lions fear
I circle the tents as they cry ‘water’
I’ll quench their thirst… I am Abbas

* * *

I’m the shield of armour… placed on Ahmed’s children
I’m the moon gazing up… yearning to kill the sun
I’m the lion whose tribe… had wrestled with lions
My mane my white feathers… that bow to thirsty tongues

My lioness mother raised me a sword
My father was birthed by the House of God
His sword gave birth… I am Abbas

* * *

Does the enemy not know… through my veins, zeal flows
I’m the eagle that plucks… their flesh from their shadows
Does the flock dare to fight… Bani Hashim’s sparrows
In this land, I am death… yearning your mothers’ woes

I want to see smoke rise from your houses
Smoke of my scent so they know who death is
In woes immersed… I am Abbas

* * *

Dare Shimr tell me that… due to blood, I am free?
He’s the son of nothing… I’m then son of Ali
I am but one solder… yet threaten an army
I have learnt Shimr’s scent… and I know his heartbeat

When they come for me and the dust rises
I’ll hurt Shimr just as a lion does
His veins shall burst… I am Abbas

* * *

On my tongue, there’s no thirst… but a thirst for their blood
My heart is a fortress… that surrounds my beloved
All of them are just men… made from clay and from mud
I was made from zeal… and made from brotherhood

There is not an ounce of fear in my veins
I see not men here, I see their remains
They shall not last… I am Abbas

* * *

I ride out and they come… like sheep to a slaughter
My sword twirls through their flesh… as their bones I shatter
Fighting with just one hand… my left holds the banner
I emerge bathed in blood…and approach the river

The river sees me and bows out of fear
It salutes me and hands me its water
Through it I pass… I am Abbas

* * *

Through its water I wade… my tongue senses its scent
I pick up the water… but freeze for a moment
Can I drink while their tongues… are still left in torment?
I throw the water back… hearing it all lament

“Does Abbas not know what now will become?
For Abbas worse than death is no return
Failure is worse”… I am Abbas

* * *

Like cowards they all hide… and pounce on Ali’s cub
They take from him his hands… catching him in their web
They strike him on his head… in revenge of Marhab
And they hear the lion… cry “forgive me Zainab”

They could not kill him so they took his hands
Abbas may have fallen but his flag stands
Watch them disperse… I am Abbas

* * *

(Boston – 16/09/19)

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