A Blessing

It’s a prayer… from it don’t ever depart
It is life… for the tongue and for the heart
Protection… from all sorry and all hurt

My friend… recite it and get rewarded
With it… mountains of sin are eroded
With it… fires of hell are avoided
And in… the Heavens you’ll be delighted

Both prophets and messengers
Have recited and have said
Salu ala Muhammad wa aali Muhammad

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It’s a prayer… that you can wear like armour
Medicine… only so much more sweeter
Recited… by no hypocrite, ever

A scent… that is the scent of majalis
So pure… that it can make the tongue sinless
When it… is recited by the hopeless
Allah… makes their heart peaceful and joyous

It takes away his distress
And by it will be guided
Salu ala Muhammad wa aali Muhammad

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It is hung… from branches within Heaven
Blessed to us… not unlike revelation
Recite it… and see Heaven’s doors open

To those… that seek guidance within their lives
To those… who for greatness and success strive
Turn to… Allah, Lord of the holy five
Cry out… your sorrows and feel alive

Allah will come to your aid
His hand do you He will lend
Salu ala Muhammad wa aali Muhammad

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Just reflect… the meaning of this blessing
Contemplate… what the hadith are saying
Remember… wilayah is everything

Without… Ali there is no religion
Bless him… and after him bless his children
After… you’ve prayed for Hussain and Hassan
Then plead… Allah for their intercession

Those who recite this blessing
To the Heavens will ascend
Salu ala Muhammad wa aali Muhammad

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Salawats… deep in my heart I carry
Every day… thinking of this family
For Mehdi… I am waiting and ready

O’ world… let me love on his heart settle
Daily… for his fragrance we all wail
A name… whose mention makes the heart humble
A love… like gardens serene and blissful

Those that ignore him are lost
By his hand may we be fed
Salu ala Muhammad wa aali Muhammad

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(London – 26/11/21)

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