The Lord gifted me five senses to make sense of one certainty:
We are all but mere characters in the Ahlulbayt’s story
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A story that began before its story had begun
Five lights were created to reflect the Lord’s one
The countless stars and galaxies these lights outshone
Search for any sign of God greater, you’ll find none
Any celestial beauty by theirs would be outdone
For stars come and go but the Ahlulbayt live on
There are more stars than grains of sand, and this is all to portray
We are all but mere characters in the Ahlulbayt’s story
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God created mankind, but what would mankind even be
Were he not to send man Muhammad, his mercy
What could mankind be in any other story
What characters, what plots, what story that is worthy?
We are all mere travellers upon his journey
“You’re in my story”, he says, “your lives are told to me”
The only choice you have is which character you want to be
We are all but mere characters in the Ahlulbayt’s story
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God gifted us sight and through all my eyes have seen
They have not seen purer than the pure fourteen
I’ve not tasted sweetness like the knowledge they’d feed
I’ve not heard prayer spoken like it’s from the unseen
Before I thank Allah for the air that I breathe
I thank him for the love of Amir Al-Momineen
I thank him for making me see Him through the greatness of Ali
We are all but mere characters in the Ahlulbayt’s story
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I thank Him for choosing me from millions of men
To see patience through the patience of Al-Hassan
Patience so strong it shook the storywriters pen
We are mere reflections of his struggle within
When Allah sees us patient He remembers Him
Sending infinite blessings on Muhammad’s children
What is our glory beside the Ahlulbayt’s glory?
We are all but mere characters in the Ahlulbayt’s story
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When I recall Hassan I recall Hussain
The name that brings me joy and yet with it brings pain
This is all their story but let me explain
Of the greatest of its chapters this story became
When we recall Karbala and mention its name
We become the adjectives use to describe that day
None would know Karbala without us to narrate it, surely?
We are all but mere characters in the Ahlulbayt’s story
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Allah wrote this story and it’s about no other
Than the story of a father and his daughter
The story of Ahmed and Fatima Zahra
Because without their faith none of it would matter
The planets and stars are mere beads for their prayer
Tell me, of Allah, is there a sign greater?
This is the story you’re all a part of, so act accordingly
We are all but mere characters in the Ahlulbayt’s story
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(London – 31/06/18)
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