Faith in My Lord

Seeing the sword of God struck… strengthened my faith in my Lord

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I understood God on the night of Qadr
I saw the link between Allah and Haider
After he was struck, Ali was brought water

He offered his killer first… quenching his enemy’s sword

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Ibn Muljim’s sword by blood already quenched
Would it have thirst? In Haider’s blood in was drenched
Allah’s sword offered water yet would not flinch

“The act of striking my head… left him thirsty and tired”

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Blood flowed from the man once born with his head bowed
His grey beard dyed with the red of his own blood
And yet when his head rose up, it rose up proud

“I bleed and yet I succeed… awaits me my Lord’s reward”

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How many were fed and quenched by this man’s hand?
To his killer’s tongue he puts his own second
Even Marhab regrets the wound now opened

“I should have laid down by sword… and to the his Lord should have bowed”

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God sends some blessings and others he returns
He sent down the Quran while Haider He yearns
The walking Quran leaves us the one written

Two Qurans are torn apart… both unread and both ignored

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God made signs – the moon, the sun and endless stars
But none are greater than the man with fresh scars
Handing his own killer water in a glass

I need not the galaxies…. of One God I am assured

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I need not know of God – the why, where or how
I saw Ali struck and compassion he’d show
Whoever this Ali bows to I shall bow

And ask him to intercede… when on Judgment Day I’m called

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With this strike I saw the skies into two tear
Orphans crying, “who will feed us now?” I’d hear
And I’d see Zainab wailing in her despair

“Karbala calls out our names… and we’ll embrace it orphaned”

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(London – 29/05/18)

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