The Sound of Thunder

Every creation of God hears the sound of thunder
The strike of a poisoned sword on the head of Haider
To the greatest father… farewell Ali Karrar

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The sound of thunder, that rips apart the nightfall
His followers, in distress, toward his house crawl
How many men have been orphaned with his downfall?
Not the father of us, he’s the father of all
Every man beneath the skies has heard thunder’s call
With the strike upon Ali, Islam’s pillars fall

Demolished Islam’s pillars, and falls every pillar
Thunder strikes the foundations, they cry out for Haider
The voice of each pillar… farewell Ali Karrar

* * *

Chosen by God to the greatest person succeed
Rises from prayer crying ‘by God, now I succeed’
The battle-cry that not a soul would want to heed
Seeps from the head of Haider in blood that he’d bleed
He who can only be struck in the greatest deed
Cries out, “O’ world, from your grip today I am freed”

The one who divorced this world embraces his slaughter
Saying goodbye to his house – his sons and his daughter
Their bereavements answer… farewell Ali Karrar

* * *

Upon Haider weeps the dust of which he fathered
Every rose that grew by his hand has now withered
By the house of Ali his lovers all gathered
Refusing to leave, their hearts to his bed tethered
Left in his blood, the head of Badr is shattered
The lion of God by Satan has been martyred

Upon the house of Ali, weeping are seven skies
Every thunder is a scream, its lightning is its cries
Every sky would falter… farewell Ali Karrar

* * *
The strike of Ibn Muljim, Ali had foretold
But wouldn’t trade his prayer for more days in this world
This strike was vengeance against him for each household
That had a son whose soul to Ali’s sword had sold
Ibn Muljim’s sword the head of Ali had told
Did you not know that you are dust, and Ali is gold?

Within the mosque of Kufa, there was an explosion
With flowing blood arose the father of a nation
Upon him, left a scar… farewell Ali Karrar

* * *

His orphans cradle him, and cries every lover
O’ children of Ali, to us he’s a father
To hold the reigns of justice, none was worthier
The scale of justice, it bends towards Haider
“Where is our helper?” cries out the widowed mother
For the one who’d give him food, searches the beggar

His children saw the whole world when they’re door they opened
Not just the house of Ali, the whole world is orphaned
Cries out the wide and far… farewell Ali Karrar

* * *

Najaf’s dust rejoices in welcoming Ali
Hassan and Hussain leave Ali to its mercy
Under a moonless night, their father they bury
They lower him, Adam and Nuh take his body
Whatever truth Ali was, becomes legendary
In his grave, the words “ask me before you lose me”

Has the world ever witnessed a killed, murdered lion?
Not just Kufa mourns his death, but all of creation
Gone, his final hour… farewell Ali Karrar

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(London – 06/07/13)

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