So Many Bodies

How do I bury… so many bodies?
Loved one after one… my shoulders carry
Such sorrow… such sorrow… my shoulders carry


My steps become heavier with walking
And with each step, decades I am ageing
I left the day of death while still living
And return to death heeding my wailing

The bodies I see that scatter this land
Were once men who for prayer, by me would stand
I once kissed that cheek, now one with the sands
I once felt the warmth in those severed hands

There is no life here… just flesh upon spears
And the blood-stained bone… can’t be washed by tears
Loss of life… loss of life… my shoulders carry


Death left in the open for burial
Life ascended from them all when they fell
To say ‘goodbye’ my tongue isn’t able
For the bones of my loved ones the dust calls

Habib, my elder, grey beard bathed in blood
I lower my Zuhair into the mud
I kiss the cheek of John as Hussain would
He leaves me here to meet with my beloved

All of them are gone… leaving me alone
To bear such a weight… that bends my backbone
All alone… all alone… my shoulders carry


Innocence was murdered upon that day
Roses were crushed before taken away
Their juices bled blood-red as swords would prey
On mothers’ love for sons… turning hair grey

What man should have to bury a young boy?
His arms flail as Qassim I carry
His grave no bigger than a teen’s would be
I’m sure, my beloved, it’s filled with honey

You saw death sweeter… than a bird’s flutter
He asked, “are you sure?”… you did not stutter
My cousin… my cousin… my shoulders carry


I saw a body that made me quiver
A moment, I thought this was Medina
Is that the body of my grandfather?
Or the body of Ali Al-Akbar?

Am I in Najaf? For this is Ali
Struck on his head and taken too early
O’ Allah protect me and forgive me
How does an Ali anyone bury?

An Ali buried… and by an Ali
Could this be Najaf… surely it must be
An Ali… an Ali… my shoulders carry


Covered in dust, I turned to the Forat
But saw blood over me, on every part
I washed it all off before I’d depart
I did not want to break my uncle’s heart

I found his left hand, then searched for his right
Feeling my heart with the Angel of Death fight
You once towered over us with your might
Yet there you lie handless, met with your plight

Our love for you grew… if only you knew
I found your canteen… buried it with you
Abu Fadhil… Abu Fadhil… my shoulders carry


My eyes would have refused sight had they known
That my beloved father the would be shown
Tongue still dry from thirst, naked and alone
No longer Hussain, but crushed flesh and bone

As best I can, I place him in his crypt
And tell him “now finally you can rest…”
But hear a voice scream from his severed neck:
“The baby… the baby… put on my chest…”

But tell me father… if I bring Asghar
Your chest has been crushed… how will he lay there?
A baby… a baby… my shoulders carry


London – 26/09/19

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