The Prongs of Tholfiqar

Hassan and Hussain are intertwined…. like the two prongs of Tholfiqar
Like the scent of Medina… and the dust of Karbala

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Though the flesh and bone of Muhammad is long gone
The scent of Medina it still lingers on
For when a father departs, remains his children
Muhammad lives on in Medina’s grandson
In the musk of its Earth when you look deep within
You will find the fragrance of Imam al Hassan

The door of Medina was not closed… you will find it left slightly ajar
Inside you’ll find Medina’s scent… and the dust of Karbala

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Allah made the Tholfiqar and he made it two pronged
He made it two-pronged for only Allah is one
The sword yearned to be with a heart that is strong
The sword of Allah’s will in Ali’s hand belongs
It seeks Ali’s hand before seeking what is wrong
Ya Hussain, Ya Hassan it cries when it is drawn

And upon every disbeliever… it leaves the mark of Towheed’s scar
In honour of Medina’s dome… and the dust of Karbala

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Ali’s sword is two-pronged, and each prong has a name
The first is called Hassan, the second called Hussain
Because when it strikes and cuts through its victims veins
Yazids will turn to ash while only they remain
Ali holds them high on Badr and Uhud’s plains
Do they fear Haidera, or do they fear Hassanain?

Be it past, present or future… they’re together, wherever they are
Najaf and Medina… and the dust of Karbala

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In the highest Heaven the Tholfiqar was welded
From light and turbat Karbala it was moulded
The light was of Allah’s, of Islam and Tawheed
The turbat was of wilayah, of Shia creed
Those that it defended are still all left to plead
That Hassan and Hussain for us shall intercede

The Tholfiqar reminds us… that salvation is never far
That it lies in Medina’s soil… and the dust of Karbala

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Hasanain walked on the Earth but they were born of Heavens
The Masters of Paradise are Ali’s children
When our pure souls with sins are burdens and laden
We turn to the hands that can bear any burden
The Cubs of Haidera for whom Heavens open
For they sat and played in the lap of revelation

We breathe their names – Hassan, Hussain… and beats their names does the heart
Yearning the spirit of their love.. and the dust of Karbala

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(Chicago – 16/04/22)



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