Ah Ya Hussain

Ah Ya Hussain Wim Saba… Lejle alayn sechaba

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Hussain your sweet name purifies my tongue… ah ya Hussain wim saba
Help me on that day when help me will no-one… ah ya Hussain wim saba
And I pray my name on your list is written… ah ya Hussain wim saba
And those on your list shall witness salvation… ah ya Hussain wim saba

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O’ Hussain, water has no worth till it falls… ah ya Hussain wim saba
For you and your tragedy in cries and wails… ah ya Hussain wim saba
The heartbeat of your child my mind recalls… ah ya Hussain wim saba
And his small lungs the first of thirst engulfs… ah ya Hussain wim saba

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How can anyone keep water from Hussain… ah ya Hussain wim saba
Those who did will never taste water again… ah ya Hussain wim saba
How many children were left in grief and pain… ah ya Hussain wim saba
How many from thirst would lament and complain… ah ya Hussain wim saba

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Hussain when I turn and I look on your land… ah ya Hussain wim saba
It’s like I see angels on bodies descend… ah ya Hussain wim saba
I recall Akbar fallen upon that sand… ah ya Hussain wim saba
His blood mixed with dust, holding onto your hands… ah ya Hussain wim saba

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Hussain, if a young groom my eye were to see… ah ya Hussain wim saba
I’d recall Qassim and upon him I’d weep… ah ya Hussain wim saba
The war lullabied as swords put him to sleep… ah ya Hussain wim saba
How many hidden sorrows does your heart keep… ah ya Hussain wim saba

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Hussain, I swear, when I recall your day… ah ya Hussain wim saba
It’s as if my soul has been taken away… ah ya Hussain wim saba
And my throat feels the thirst that made your soul sway… ah ya Hussain wim saba
And my skin feels the swords that on you would prey… ah ya Hussain wim saba

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Allah have mercy of Kadhim and Hamza… ah ya Hussain wim saba
Their service a flag we shall wave forever… ah ya Hussain wim saba
Serving Hussain is service like no other… ah ya Hussain wim saba
Small service that saves us in the Hereafter… ah ya Hussain wim saba

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(London – 07/02/19)

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