Bury Me By My Beloved

Bury me by my beloved after I’ve died
I don’t want death to come between me and his shrine

* * *

When my life departs my body and I’ve moved on
I’ll worry when I see to my body they come
I don’t fear death, but I do fear one outcome
That when I’m buried I’ll miss the sight of his dome

And watch them all visit him and leave me behind

* * *

There’s only one place I want to be buried in
By my beloved, in his courtyard, metres from him
Surely the Lord’s great mercy outweighs my great sins
If I’m not buried there it’s as if I’ve not been

As if I never existed or was alive

* * *

My life may fade out and my years come to an end
Everything ends, but my love for him as no end
In my last breaths, to Karbala I’ll stretch my hands
Hearing his voice summoning me towards his Lord

Dropping all to visit Hussain just like in life

* * *

Like an old friend, the soil of his shrine I shall greet
With the drums of mawakib shall flow my heartbeat
My shroud so proud that on Hussain’s dust rests my cheek
I’ll hear poems recited and my chest I’ll beat

In rhythm with Karbala with my head held high

* * *

Every day I’d see them coming from near and far
I’d look up, honoured to see the feet of Zowar
Every day I’d send my Salaam to my Master
And sit in the presence of Ibn Mudhahir

Mudhahir – as apparent as my own two eyes

* * *

I’d watch mawkibs flood the shrine of Ahmed’s grandson
And on this flood sails the ship of salvation
I’d see thousands of angels in lamentation
Beating the dust with their wings to recitations

Things I could only see after my body dies

* * *

A man has to die to enter the hereafter
That’s how I feel when his shrine’s courtyard I enter
Like a newborn leaving the womb of his mother
I feel life in the shrine of the son of Haider

The sweetest place on any world, in any sky

* * *

My bone and flesh with Karbala’s dust have a bond
Its dust would pour out of my veins were they opened
A plant needs sunlight but by his dome I’m blossomed
I long for it like Moses for God’s voice had longed

The Most High spoke to me through the land he made high

* * *

I am Yunus in the whale yearning the air
I am Ibrahim yearning for a son and heir
I am Maryam yearning relief from her despair
I am those children yearning Abbas with water

Only of his care I know that I’m not worthy

* * *

When I die and all my sins drag me toward hell
In the greatest interceder I am hopeful
Just like when in life I’d beseech and you’d fulfill
I’ll cry Aba Abdillah and Abu Fadhil

And have no doubt that my Master will heed my cries

* * *

Some depart in peace, others depart in distress
Surely lovers of Hussain cannot die restless
But if you find me worthy and you I witness
I beg you don’t come to me bloodied and headless

Don’t let me see Abbas with no hands by his side

* * *

I’m not worthy of your shrine but I hope and dream
The shadow of your dome flows deep in my bloodstream
And I’m drowning in sins despite what it may seem
But unworthy are made worthy serving your name

So look after us Master when we have died

* * *

(Dearborn – 28/05/19)

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