Heaven’s Road

Hear the road as it calls… “honour me with your walking”


Hear the road to Karbala’s voice… as its concrete toughens
Roads are long and tiresome but… we wish this road lengthens
In its pride this road challenges… the roads in the Heavens
Those roads are filled with honey but… no mawakib bless them

What they give challenges… whatever Heaven’s giving


The sky sees this road rise higher… blessed by visitors’ feet
Back and forth from Najaf they come… like a human heartbeat
Angels descend to walk with us… and us in awe they greet
Hajar watches as we walk… unphased by cold and heat

Leaving Najaf’s Safa… for us Marwa is calling


The rich and poor walk on this road… both the young and the old
The old tie belts around their waists… so that flags they can hold
None feel like strangers though they’ve come… from all over the world
As if Earth folds onto itself… diverting all its roads

Just one home: by his dome… for its sight our eyes aching


The most generous watch in awe… staring at mawakib
Generosity’s arms open… “come, let’s honour Zainab”
Serving us faster than mothers… would serve us in our cribs
We’ve taken the place of the hearts… that sit between their ribs

“Take my heart, take my eyes… for you our homes are yearning”


No fear of death because Heaven… to us has descended
Not walkers, but a flow of souls… flowing to their beloved
What is love if this is not love… that heals the wounded
How many that walk you with grief… find it alleviated

So much love, this concrete… for flesh and bone is caring


Tell the one that’s holding a flag… to watch its flag flutter
Each time the wind blows its fabric… it calls the Flagbearer
What pain? There’s no pain on this road… watching is our master
Every step and breath that we take… cries Aba Abdillah

If legs fail, then we’ll… go to our Master crawling


Boston – 26/09/19

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