Month of Grief

How many years have we wept?
In the eye your name is kept
Hussain we’ll never forget

* * *

When the month of grief descends
The love of your name ascends
And with it tears the eye sends

* * *

Hearts were not made to be torn
O’ reason that tears are born
But for you hearts break and mourn

* * *

You died but live in the heart
Your story tears hearts apart
Your head from body they’d part

* * *

You tied Heaven to the Earth
And you gave Heaven its worth
Muhammad wept with your birth

* * *

O’ who was named Heaven’s prince
The Earth misses your presence
Zainab laments your absence

* * *

You rose against a tyrant
Of him there’s not a remnant
Millions for you lament

* * *

Shakes writing of you this pen
Mourning you one night shakes men
And the nights mourning are ten

* * *
Your call for help the soul hears
We can fill seas with our tears
And drown all those swords and spears

* * *

We heard when for help you’d call
Our tears caught you when you’d fall
O’ Hussain hearts to you crawl

* * *

O’ who swords on you would prey
Hearts ask as from grief they sway
Help these hearts on Judgement Day

* * *

(London – 01/09/14)

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