Our Beloved’s Praise

O’ Hussain all that which falls from the seeds of our sorrow
Shall grow into roses to be plucked by you tomorrow

Not a single beat of blood… escapes our beloved’s gaze
And when for him love escapes… it sings our beloved’s praise
For every tear and every wound that bleeds
Hussain extends his hand and intercedes

* * *

On a trail we walk… silence, there is no talk
Watching millions flock… to the beacon of love
Beneath each eye, a tear… on it, not age, no year
Upon it angels peer… from the Heavens above
Forgotten: life and things… the greatest dreams he brings
Every dream folds its wings… perched by him like a dove
Lost, only by him found… destinies to him bound
Existence, by him crowned… the greatest form of love

Every love placed beside his… faltered in embarrassment
If love lasted a whole age… his love transcended moment
Blossomed what was planted in us as seeds
Hussain extends his hand and intercedes

* * *

When a bird left his nest… it was never at rest
In striking its own chest… it would announce its pain
Master, we would gather… lamenting together
There was none worthier… of our grief, but Hussain
In heightened emotion… we challenged creation
Rise and fall may nation… but one name shall remain
As each man lamented… you’d find, illustrated
That with grief we’ve greeted… the Master of Youth, slain

Our hands knew of their purpose… to make men for you wither
In striking our chests we’d see… joining us, your own mother
She cries out to he who poetry reads
Hussain extends his hand and intercedes

* * *

Master are you content… with the time we present
Calling all to lament… to keep alive, your flame?
To some, it means nothing… holding a gathering
Just for remembering… the letters of your name
As we call the people… watching their tears trickle
And all of this while… loving you brings us blame
We took this blame as pride… everything we defied
Even if we had died… we loved you without shame

Hussain we saw your story… was worth not just life, but death
When death came to us it heard… your name spoken in our breath
In life or death, every path to you leads
Hussain extends his hand and intercedes

* * *

Master, you see a road… that leads to your abode
Upon it blood has flowed… of those who have no fear
Tell me O’ generous… which of them is precious?
They walk a road vicious… just to upon you peer
Your help they have foretold… which of them will you hold
And into your wings fold… their dreams and wishes hear?
How beautiful is it… that this world they’d forget
So that when death they’ve met… to them you would appear

How beautiful is each walk… that it comes with one request
They came to you in this world… so rescue them in the next
The thirst of those with nothing your hand feeds
Hussain extends his hand and intercedes

* * *

Drawn deep within the eye… your dome beneath your sky
Watching seven skies cry… a sea of tears of blood
No-one it should surprise… that men learn from these skies
And with your day’s sunrise… your lovers’ blood would flood
All the tears that we’ve wept… the grief, on which, we’ve slept
O’ beloved, accept… these acts for our beloved
All this for you is praise… in yearning of your gaze
Hoping, in our last days… by you we’d feel loved

The eye that cries for Hussain… puts toward you a question
Is it wrong that every tear… requests from you salvation?
Those who saw his praise as the best of deeds
Hussain extends his hand and intercedes

* * *

In life you’re medicine… soothing both pain and sin,
And when death is written… for you your lovers seek,
When I’m dressed in that shroud… when your love made me proud,
Buried before a crowd… placed on that dust, my cheek,
All that for you I’d done… wishes that you would come,
When I lie there alone… for you I remain weak,
Just as your hands lifted… all pains on us weighted,
Will we be comforted… when upon death we peek?

When our souls from bodies rise… let it them fall into your hand
Let the little that we did… be enough to by you stand
Just as in life for you each lover pleads
Hussain extends his hand and intercedes

* * *

(London – 22/08/13)

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