The Eye Yearns

The eye yearns for what it cannot see…. there in Karbala
It yearns to see the son of Ali…. there in Karbala

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I smelt dust on his shirt when he returned home
What I recalled made my anguish reach my bone
God used this dust so that my eye would become
Why else would it yearn the sight of Hussain’s dome?

From this dust was put together mud…. there in Karbala
Which became my very flesh and blood…. there in Karbala

* * *

His shrine is a Noah’s ark sailing Heaven
The dust it sails sprinkles in my creation
I weep when my dreams end and I awaken
For departed has the ship of salvation

It answers when I ask where it goes…. there in Karbala
The same direction which my blood flows…. there in Karbala

* * *

Karbala, a glimpse of his shrine would suffice
I would give both my eyes if that were its price
You wept so much for his mighty sacrifice
You kept Hussain and made yourself paradise

And for what you did, you have no blame…. there in Karbala
For he deserves that which you became…. there in Karbala

* * *

There is no living, nor reason for living
Without sitting beside your tomb and grieving
Glory to God, your death was so deceiving
When your lovers ask, you’re giving and giving

Can somebody ask and not recieve…. there in Karbala
Who can ask Hussain and not believe…. there in Karbala

* * *

Two domes and my heart is caught in the middle
Yet when I reach one I become unstable
My two eyes to gaze at his one aren’t able
I’d give him my hands if I was capable

And I tell him, by your severed hands…. there in Karbala
Your flag didn’t fall, no it still stands…. there in Karbala

* * *

O’ dream that’s embedded within my bloodstream
My eyes cry out your name whenever tears stream
I’m smiling by his shrine, or so it would seem
I cry when I wake up and it’s just a dream

If they ask where are the ones you love…. there in Karbala
It’s land worth more than what sits above…. there in Karbala

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(Los Angeles – 26/08/15)

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