Who Like Hussain?

Who invites the world beneath his dome?
As his shrine comforts to become home
Whose love to broken hearted is shown?
And is loved by the known and unknown?
Who was left betrayed and all alone?
Whose grief hurt more than his broken bone?

* * *

Who like Hussain
Has stolen the hearts of worlds?
Has stolen life from blood cells
Has stolen the pearls of love from the hardest shells

Who like Hussain
Has made weep alive and dead
Has taken and conquered breath
And has eyes weep for him from the East to the West

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Whose love’s real when all is pretend… only Hussain’s
Whose seventy-one stood till the end… only Hussain’s
Whose Abbas gave away both his hands… only Hussain’s

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The sun may set upon Karbala… but it bathes in your light
They can say that you died on that day… it will remain a lie
Your name lives on in all of our hearts… and it will never die… and it will never die

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Whose weeping voice do the deaf’s ears hear… only Hussain’s
Whose grave attracts millions every year… only Hussain’s
Whose grave is bathed in believers’ tears… only Hussain’s

* * *

(Dearborn – 05/05/22)

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