Hussain’s Worth

Seven letters of which, daily, I’ve dreamt
And to each letter, a lifetime I have lent
His name touches my ears before my heart’s consent
The beat of my heart skips, a lover’s moment
The joy of my smile and the cries I lament
Yet I still wonder what “Hussain” truly meant

* * *

My eyes see bodies on desert’s plains, they lie
Yet their names lived on, though upon dust they lie
Whoever said Hussain is dead they lie
He lives in the heart of every believer

* * *

He preached revolution, alone with his sole sword
He defeated swords with blood and with his sole sword
Hussain didn’t die that day, rather his soul soared
His name is a symbol that flies forever

* * *

The worth of Hussain is none know of his worth
His story the greatest story ever told
And even though daily we hear his name
The sheer value of his worth remains untold
Hussain bent the meaning of the word ‘impossible’
Just like his grave bends the scale of this world
His name redefines what is most valuable
Like his dust is sought more than diamond and gold

* * *

He cannot be killed, no matter how much they try
The perfect imbalance against all who oppress
Over one-thousand years, his enemies gone
In every age they fail, whilst he sees success
I tell you Hussain defies infinity
He has the only love that’s timeless
21 million walking is my proof
Let 6 billion walk, he isn’t worth less

* * *

Hussain bends the scale of mortality
His existence alters the meaning of ‘real’
And he who gets to know Aba Abdillah
Finds nothing surprising, nothing surreal
Medicine in this world, saviour in the next
Not just illnesses, hearts and souls he’d heal
If mankind knew what he was capable of
You’d see kings of nations at his grave kneel

* * *

I tell you that there is only one Hussain
Till time’s end there can never be a second
Bring me any noble fighter of justice
On a scale, Hussain equals a thousand
He’s great without pride, this adds to his greatness
In his lovers’ pride his greatness is mentioned
He lived simply, we gave him a shrine of gold
As poets say, he deserves one of diamond

* * *

If you’re told he died that know that they lied
Open your eyes and give your pupils consent
He’s the symbol of freedom for all oppressed
Hussain in every uprising is present
And it is not just his shrine that holds his flag
In each of our hearts he has a monument
I tell you his worth is that he never died
He is loved and adored in every moment

* * *

(London – 16/06/13)

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