I’m in Love

I’m in love.
Her scent is Heaven’s very scent
Her touch, it leaves me bewildered
Her presence settles my heartbeat
Her taste is sweeter than water
The thought of her absence destroys me
And her name is Karbala

* * *

I’m bewildered.
Her scent, it throws me off balance,
As it weaves around her figure
She teases and plays with my heart
Grows on me her loving nature
Comforts me with every night I’ve slept
Upon her sand, Karbala

* * *

I’m lost in her.
Through my hands slip grains of her sands
Just as my heart, it slips through hers
Each day I spend on her desert
My heart dipped in her dust lowers
So she becomes imprinted on me
Till my blood is Karbala

* * *

I’m love-dazed.
Lost, two domes fixed on my pupil
So that I see them wherever
Time itself becomes meaningless
Her infinite my forever
And I follow her, so entranced that,
All roads lead to Karbala

* * *

I miss her.
When once I walked in her shadow
Now daily life I persevere
When once every road led to her,
Now all roads seem to lead nowhere
Now whoever knocks on my door,
False hope says its Karbala

* * *

I need her.
As comfort soothes a fragile heart
Yet she cradled me, a stranger
Soothed my hearts unattended wounds
Provides its questions an answer
Now I walk familiar circles
Saying her name, Karbala

* * *

Take me back.
Each morning I gazed in your eyes
Each night beside you all my prayer
“O’ Lord imprint her on my heart,
To show to her, how much I care”
Yet without her old habits return,
Till I yearn for Karbala

* * *

Take me back.
For my heart cares not for purpose,
Unless I live near my Master;
Breathe the air that recites his name;
My heart attuned to his wonder.
The land of dreams or this typical land?
Take me back O’ Karbala.

* * *

(Karbala/London – 26/02/11)

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