Awaited Mawla

Where is your Tholfiqar… where is your Tholfiqar
O’ awaited Mawla….O’ awaited Mawla
How much longer, how far?… come avenge Karbala
O’ awaited Mawla… O’ awaited Mawla

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How much longer O’ my master…. must the eyes weep and cry?
One thousand years the tents have burned… and their blood has not dried
Wet with their blood is holy dust… O’ God-appointed guide
Our enemies sit on their thrones… while in fear we all hide

When they destroy our domes… when they destroy our domes
We lament in our homes…. We lament in our homes
How fragile that we are… come avenge Karbala
O’ awaited Mawla… O’ awaited Mawla

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The wolves circle your children’s homes.. as proudly we lament
The broken ribs, the thirsty tongues.. and all the burning tents
When the reciter cries aloud… that Hussain’s back was bent
I see your hands reach for the flag.. that Abbas’s hands left

His hands call out your name… his hands call out your name
Come and avenge Hussain… come and avenge Hussain
Every wound, every scar… come avenge Karbala
O’ awaited Mawla… O’ awaited Mawla

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In the spirit of Ashura… how many of us fall?
Our bodies seeds, and as we bleed… your name it still stands tall
In your shadow the world suffers… a test that burdens all
Despite this all, when we’re in need… to Hussain’s shrine we crawl

Do you visit with us… do you visit with us?
On Ashura you must… on Ashura you must
Amongst all the zowar… come avenge Karbala
O’ awaited Mawla… O’ awaited Mawla

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How much more oppressed can we be… for you to awaken?
We secretly weep and lament… the rib that was broken
The hand that stole Haidera’s crown… still torments your children
Return and drag them from their graves… the first and the second

Every bomb that we face… every bomb that we face
Draws smiles on their face.. draws smiles on their face
Their graves were left ajar… come avenge Karbala

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For every youth that slips from us… we remember Akbar
On every house we fly the flag… held by the flagbearer
May our names fade so that remains… Najaf and Karbala
May the children we sacrifice… be named Ali Asghar

And if you take longer.. and if you take longer
We’ll give you more martyrs… we’ll give you more martyrs
Each fallen a soul a star… come avenge Karbala

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(Dearborn – 29/07/22)

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