Love is Stronger

They call me a disbeliever for believing in your love
When belief itself is knowing that loving you is enough
For indeed that is wilayah… the belief that love is stronger

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It’s true that my eyes can’t see you… but my eyes are made of mere flesh
My mind knows that in your absence… my soul is left in unrest
For my heart just cannot rest… unless by yours it is caressed
Such is your love, that it is light… all untouched are left in darkness
And tyrants envy your absence…. for by it we are all oppressed
Whenever clouds cover the sun… my gaze darts both to East and West

They tell me that my love for you can only be a lie
When it’s the only truth that only the wretched deny
For this, they call me a liar… the belief that love is stronger

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Lost in your absence, hearts grow grit… what was once frail has become tough
Your remembrance is like God’s… saying ‘Mehdi’, hearts become soft

When tongues hold your name, it’s as if… the world and its hardships are hushed
Your name is a cure, and why not… birthed from grains of Karbala’s dust
Your name is raised much like Hussain’s… while tyrant’s castles sit and rust
Nothing is complete without your love… and at the same time it is enough

Your grandfather completed faith and your existence completes him
The victims of Ali’s sword have your name antagonise them
Than theirs, one belief is greater… the belief that love is stronger

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It must now be the end of times… for good is replaced by another
Today they see a lover… and they label him a kaafir
Surely they’d be accountable… for their lack of love, were life fair
When to the oppressors of Zahra… their wrists and necks they tether
But there is no justice for love… and no worldly reward either
Knowing how difficult it is… we take Ali, and no other

To believe in Allah’s will and love Ali is disbelief
It’s as if God’s faith was stolen, and we now worship its thief
Than this what can be worthier… the belief that God is stronger

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We must be at the end of times… for alive is Muhammad’s qowl
That holding onto belief will… be like holding hot coal
The faithful say let the hand burn… for more important is the soul
For its purity we shall give… the bones, the body, our all
For Mahdi is no fairy tale… and beautiful shall be his rule
So we shall work toward his return… like mining earth to find its jewel

However tough it becomes to hold firm onto wilayah
You can find us crushed behind the door like Fatima al Zahra
The belief that creates martyrs… the belief that love is stronger

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So let the envious still loathe… and let beauty remain with us
For Muhammad extended a trust… and onto it our hands are clutched
That trust was poisoned, struck and bled… behind doors, beneath horses crushed
Because they are known to be gold… while their enemies are mere dust
So against norm, against worlds… against all temptations and lust
We love all that is the truth… and love us that same truth must

So when we die, when we are buried and we are forgotten
Us who were dubbed kuffar shall await our intercession
We’ll take to the hereafter… the belief that love is stronger

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(London – 11/11/21)

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