Call Ummul Baneen

Ummul Baneen… gave to Hussain
All her children… none would remain
If she gave them all to him… what would she give his servants?

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Sweeter than milk and honey and… cinnamon
I call her when yearning Heaven’s… cinnamon
Ummul Baneen saves me from all…sin I’m in

Her name I call… when all fails
And with her name… I’ll prevail
How can Abbas’s mother… let me drown in my torment?

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When you find your will and strength by… hurt broken
When it’s too much and you feel the… hurt break in
Call the one who can fix any… heart broken
No doctor and… no single man
Can heal like Ummul Baneen can
Her prayers answered by the Lord… like revelation descends

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When in need, your name the lost and… weary cite
Your door clear to those with weak and… weary sight
In your name Surah Fatiha… we recite

By you we’re blessed… nothing is lost
At your feet, jewels forget their cost
Fatiha searched for your name… after by God it was sent

* * *

Her son’s blood splattered and dried up… into seeds
From them we grew, our own seed split… in two seeds
And when we die Ummul Baneen… intercedes

In front of God… she will applaud
“These are Hussain’s servants O’ Lord
Let them enter your Heaven… standing with me, triumphant”

* * *
Zahra to her a mother and… a sister
Through her sons Ummul Baneen would… assist her
You won’t find a better aid or… assister

Than Ummul Baneen… and her Hussain
And her Lord and their Ahlulbayt
The Household of pure mercy… leaves its servants triumphant

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Ummul Baneen’s name shall live on… forever
Abbas’s flag flies on her grave… forever
She laments Hussain and not her… four, ever

She has no son… but Zahra’s son
Her heartbeat and Hussain’s are one
Remember her name and weep… when for her son you lament

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London – 09/01/19

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