There’s only one thing that’s priceless… just as Ummul Baneen taught us… serving Hussain
Without it everything’s worthless… our comfort in every distress… serving Hussain
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Call it special or else call it a miracle
The tongue says your name and from the eye, tears trickle
We’d tear out our eyes if to cry we’re unable
We would cry blood if to cry it we were able
Just as Ummul Baneen would cry… and she would bid her sons goodbye… serving Hussain
With birth tears on our eyelid lie… these tears continue till we die… serving Hussain
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Before existence to your name we were brought forth
We were fed the dust of Karbala since our birth
Thank God we were of the few that knew of your worth
O’ son of Ali, the first that others made fourth
Of your greatness there was no doubt… we always quenched our thirst in drought… serving Hussain
Even when we’re silent, we shout… we have a gift few know about… serving Hussain
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We were taught and our teacher was Ummul Baneen
The greatest servant of you there has ever been
I’ve not seen princes given away by a Queen
If she had ten princes she’d give them to Hussain
A woman who deserved a throne… was left sonless and all alone… serving Hussain
She cherished you more than her own… it’s in her blood and flesh and bone… serving Hussain
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She had a moon and three stars raised by her own hand
For you she plucked them from skies and placed them in sand
She raised a moon and three stars so we’d understand
That even moons and stars at your service would stand
At your service is everything… it’s something unlike anything… serving Hussain
When Abbas was given each wing… it showed us the greatest blessing… serving Hussain
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Ummul Baneen is the mother of each servant
She taught us belongs to you our every moment
She taught us against even death you’re defiant
Everything dies but Hussain remains triumphant
She taught us, never bow your head… raise it proudly with tears you’ve shed… serving Hussain
She taught us that the blood you’ve bled… gave birth to our names that are read… serving Hussain
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Forgive us O’ Master if we’ve made you upset
But even with our sins your name makes our eyes wet
We ask you when we grow old and with death we’ve met
Remember O’ Hussain the tears for you we wept
When we are buried remember… it was our pride and our honour… serving Hussain
Like Ummul Baneen, your mother… we gave so much to our Master… serving Hussain
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(London – 10/04/14)