Buried by Muhammad

Who is that holding the Prophet – are we sure that he’s dead?
For I see Muhammad being buried by Muhammad
Ali – his flesh and bone… the two souls that are one
Buried by Muhammad

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I don’t see death, no, I see a beginning that won’t end
There’s only one self of Muhammad, all others are pretend
They thought they could sway us with the Saqifa they had planned
But we know the truth and shall hold onto it until time’s end

The only truth is Muhammad and succeed him must he
And the only Muhammad after Muhammad is Ali
The truth is theirs to own… the two souls that are one
Buried by Muhammad

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They tell me Muhammad’s gone and yet I see his flesh and bone
Holding his body and weeping as if Muhammad is gone
It’s as if broken apart into two is a soul that’s one
It’s as if the heart cries to the conscious: “you’ve left me alone”

It’s as if the flesh is torn from the bone and leaves it to live
It’s as if Ahmed gave and gave till he had no more to give
Has Ahmed really gone… the two souls that are one
Buried by Muhammad

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It’s as if Ali buries not Ahmed but buries Ali
It’s as if he lowers into the soil his own body
With it he buries his words, “O’ Ali you are after me”
Your successorship buried with him, lost to odes of history

But fear not O’ beloved for none of us have forgotten
Your Shia will voice the truth even if remains just one
We’ve not left you alone… the two souls that are one
Buried by Muhammad

* * *

We didn’t hesitate to board the Ark against Saqifa’s flood
Our mothers’ milk ensured there’s not a drop of doubt in our blood
Ahmed and Ali made from light while they’re all made from mud
While they all bowed down to idols, Ali bowed by his beloved

Allah blessed his face – indeed, and he gifted him a womb
We call it the Ka’ba, and toward it we make sujood
Birthed Ali the Lord’s throne… the two souls that are one
Buried by Muhammad

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Who had the fearlessness of Muhammad to stand at Hunayn
One man stood against thousands – tell me how this can be explained?
Bring me any like Ali, and not those who fled Uhud’s plains
Ali’s not just his brother, Muhammad’s blood flows in his veins

Jibraeel cries after testifying in one Allah
There’s no fatah like Ali and no other successor
The moon to Ahmed’s sun… the two souls that are one
Buried by Muhammad

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How does Muhammad remain beneath dust hearing Zahra’s cries?
Her wails flip day into night and return souls from their demise
How can Muhammad leave a Caliph that Zahra would despise?
Does it not suffice that to Ali Fatima turned her eyes?

They tell me it’s impossible Muhammad chose Ali
But possible is the one with whom Zahra died angry?
From her own father torn… the two souls that are one
Buried by Muhammad

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Muhammad buried Muhammad, over Muhammad he’d pray
And from the grave of Muhammad, Muhammad had walked away
How could they strike the head of Muhammad and make his soul sway?
It’s as if they prepared for his grandson on Ashura day

I ask myself when I see my beloved Hussain behead
Who is that killed thirsty – is it Ali or Muhammad?
How the hatred has grown… the two souls that are one
Buried by Muhammad

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(London – 01/11/19)

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