Here or the Hereafter?

For Muhammad… by you we’re led… O’ Haidar
At his command… by you we stand… O’ Haidar
Our two choices are clear:
Here or the hereafter… O’ Haidar

* * *

We saw you as you stepped back into the light
Back from the graveyard in the dead of the night
Tears streaming and dust in your beard, what a sight
The mighty Haidara now stripped of his might
And greets your two pupils that have become white
The new King that has stripped the King of his right

Your reign ended… hand extended… he greets you
Two eyes ridden… with oppression… he greets you
For which do you prepare:
Here or the hereafter… O’ Haidar

* * *

Could it be, the impossible has become?
On your head sits dust, on his, a new turban
They shake hands and celebrate what is to come
It’s as if they rejoice that Ahmed is gone
Your hand twitches for your sword in confusion
Where have the saints gone? For remain only men

None beside you… but a mere few… the purest
Yes, in their eyes.. you are their pride.. the purest
Chosen is their answer
Here or the hereafter.. O’ Haidar

* * *

One question sits on your lover’s mind, which is:
If this kingdom is not meant for you, which is?
Between shackles and bloodshed your mind switches
The pure eye once clear in battle now twitches
You seek Heaven while they all seek Earth’s riches
And the door of Fatima one eye watches

For Deen to live… what will you give.. O’ Ali?
What will you watch… be slapped and hurt… O’ Ali
One choice for Fatima
Here or the hereafter… O’ Haidar

* * *

The truth is the truth no matter how bitter
They chose idols over you as their ruler
And if they ask, well, does it really matter?
You can point to the broken rib of Zahra
Point to the graves of Ammar and Abu Dhar
Point to Jamal and Soffeen and Karbala

Standing alone… with a nation.. against him
Hussain, Imam… and yet Muslims.. against him
Hear them mock with laughter
Here or the hereafter… O’ Haidar

* * *

Between this world and the next we must decide
Truth came to us and from it we could not hide
We take Haidera as our Caliph and guide
If we face swords or fire, we’ll die with pride
Truth that keeps us awake with eyes open wide
Fatima was oppressed and oppressed she died

Ahmed’s daughter… faced the fire… at her house
Her womb beaten.. Mohsin taken.. at her house
Where will we lament her
Here or the hereafter… O’ Haidar

* * *

For us O’ Haidar know that the choice is clear
There was only one hand raised up at Ghadir
Whatever Ahmed speaks, accepts do our ears
It may cost us the lives of those we hold dear
But we’ll cry when within our graves you appear:
It was worth every cost that led us to here

There we’ll salute.. you, for our truth.. is your light
And we’ll embrace… you for our fate… is your light
Where does love take us, where
Here or the hereafter… O’ Haidar

* * *

Los Angeles – 22/09/22

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