Head Held High

O’ grandfather… O’ grandfather
I leave with my head held high… and a heartfelt goodbye

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With my head high grandfather I leave your side
To revive your religion O’ Perfect Guide
With my shed blood in Karbala

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Do not fear for I have the best companions
Their bodies shall praise me when left in ruins
Seventy-one are my armour

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I have a moon that descends for your grandson
Yazid’s thousands shall be challenged by his one
This is Abbas my flagbearer

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I have a sister whose veil veils stars
She’ll see beauty when met with my thousand scars
For every wound she’ll thank Allah

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I have a messenger like God’s messengers
Like them he’ll be returned by disbelievers
For my Muslim, what an honour

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Let Yazid’s swords tear my body limb from limb
Someone like me can’t obey someone like him
I yearn death before dishonour

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I am the son of Fatima Zahra’s prayer
And my father’s sword brought the Meccans despair
Stands by me Zahra and Haider

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If when they see our heads raised up, their tears flow
Tell them they’re raised as only to God we bow
It will be this way forever

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Nouri Sardar prays he can be just as strong
The Rehmani sisters with Hussain belong
Students of the son of Zahra

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(London – 01/01/17)

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