Don’t cry my girls, if only… your eyes could see what I see
Millions walking amongst us… truly nothing but beauty
* * *
Don’t weep my beloveds… save your tears and hush…
Don’t fear that the blue sky darkens
Minds open, eyes closed… towards me, come close…
Just the shackles that tighten
Titans are shadows… tied-hands have followed…
To burnt tents pay no attention
Tension is worldly… endless is beauty…
Let go and embrace God’s wisdom
I know the air tastes like death… I know our clothes smell of ash
But we’ll outlive ash and death… truly nothing but beauty
* * *
We’ll walk as captives… and yet we’ll outlive…
Both our captives and their castles
Our pain is finite… our name infinite…
Millions shall lament our tale
Muster the courage… there is a message
That I must take to the devil
Take all of our men… capture our women…
Our truth is unequivocal
Our name cannot be erased… praise God, for by Him we’re praised
Where are you and where are we? … truly nothing but beauty
* * *
Listen to me, girls… when your father fell…
You could not see what my eyes saw
Millions came running… anguished and screaming…
Waving their flags, I watched in awe
By the will of God… time has run backwards…
God broke its fundamental law
And towards our aid… servants the Lord made…
Into Karbala their souls pour
When they heard your small hearts break… they came here crying ‘Labbayk’
With verses of poetry… truly nothing but beauty
* * *
Don’t fear, my children… when we are taken…
And the road we’re on shall wear on
We’re on a road where… millions shall appear…
A revolution we’ve begun
Here it all begins…. know I see big inns…
Of sleep and shelter from this sun
I see mawakibs… sweeter than our cribs…
That as young children we slept in
Daughters if you are hungry… of food there shall be plenty
Right now there isn’t any… truly nothing but beauty
* * *
I wonder, I know… eyes wander, tears flow…
High upon the land a throne sits
Have your ever seen… or heard of a scene….
Where tears from the future drown it?
Here’s what its flow did… the Earth it flooded…
Into two good and evil split
Beneath is evil… while above sails….
With its sails salvation’s ship
All those who cling to Hussain… or his message just the same
Shall only know victory… truly nothing but beauty
* * *
Don’t bewail too much… not lost are, as such…
The two hands of Abu Fadhil
I see him giving… living and giving…
Those who in anguish his name call
Can he have no hands… and yet out he hands…
Granted wishes by the Lord’s will?
He raises his hands… an answer descends…
Just like a verse has been revealed
Though his hands may be missing… he is bringing and bringing
God says be and it shall be… truly nothing but beauty
* * *
Girls, when we return… it shall be written…
That day as the fortieth day
Maybe it may be… us girls and ladies…
Maybe millions will make their way
Know that we’ll make it… few will forsake it…
So great that Heavens it outweighs
By him, drenched in dust… millions behind us…
Rejoicing at our victory
My girls, do not fear nor dread… millions shall tread where we’ve tread
And tell the world our story… truly nothing but beauty
* * *
London – 28/10/17
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