Stay by Hussain

Zainab calls out in her pain… her once hushed voice breaks the heart
‘I cannot stay by Hussain… and from him I cannot part’

* * *

She cries out and her tears stream… her veil yearns to wipe her tears
With all she’s seen in one day… she stands aged one-thousand years
How do her pupils remain… seeing moons ridden with spears?

She edges ever closer
How does her soul not leave her
Seeing her butchered brother?

What do her pupils lead to… with no soul and a crushed heart?

* * *

Her steps soften, her hands clench… her bones shake and she trembles
She gasps for air with each step… her lungs tightened and brittle
Her mind grips her tongue saying… ‘what you see is beautiful’

Do you see that flesh and bone?
Naked and left all alone?
Your beloved, all that you’ve known?

Each step brings her to Hussain… and each step tears her apart

* * *

How can I remain by him… and by this sight be broken?
How can my soul stand by me… and by God not be taken?
How can I keep these girls here… they cry, ‘father, awaken…’

How can I remain and stand
Upon this tormenting sand?
My brother’s blood stains its land

I must begin my mission… so that his revolt can start

* * *

How can I leave my beloved… and without him carry on?
When his soul left it took mine… Zainab and Hussain are one
How can I leave his body… butchered, naked and alone?

How can Zainab Bint Ali
Ever drink water freely?
My brother butchered thirsty

Even if taken captive… from here how can I depart?

* * *

I am the one who witnessed… my brother left abandoned
I am the one who witnessed… the veins of his neck opened
And I witnessed his body… by Yazid’s horses flattened

Tell me someone who was slain
Thirsty, alone like Hussain
Skies of blood upon him rain

How much beauty I have found… in a world of pain and hurt

* * *

(Chicago – 16/05/19)

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