The Stars Weep

How empty the night has become
When even the moon is alone
And the tents have become empty
And our men are just flesh and bone

* * *

The stars weep for me together
I have not a single brother
My sons fallen on the desert
I stand as a sonless mother

* * *

My hands fallen in the desert
As my flag no longer flutters
Whatever hearts are left beating
I’m the burning tents they shatter

* * *

My nephew also lies fallen
How I wail upon Qassim
I see on his lifeless body
The bloodied turban of Hassan

* * *

As the fire is still burning
I see Hussain’s daughters running
As the devils would sack our tents
Ruqaya cries, her ear bleeding

* * *

My brothers voice has gone silent
As upon him angels lament
I will never hear him again
As he lies there with his back bent

* * *

I say to myself O’ Zainab
They’re in need of your leadership
Wipe the blood of your abaya
On your sorrow hold a firm grip

* * *

The road is long but what’s longer
Will be the days that you’ll lament
So become like Ali’s mountain
And rescue the girls from the tents

* * *

(Dearborn – 24/07/22)

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