Them and Prophethood

It’s not them or Prophets or Prophets or them
They are the Prophets and the Prophets are them
Created before Eve and before Adam

And with these shrouds of belief proudly I dress
Those who belittle them I address
They’re as ancient as the words of Idrees

They’re older than space and time is newer
Of them every Prophet was a knower
Their ark inspired the ark of Noah

People of the cloak, Heavens were their hood
Evil and vice their divine light hewed
Even Ali’s grave shared by Saleh and Hud

And when someone doesn’t believe me I bear him
If I tell him they prepared Ali’s grave, I bore him
When it’s no different to the Ka’ba prepared by Ibrahim

It’s jealously, and these facts they loot
They hide them just like gold men loot
They ignore me, just like men ignored Lut

A coup to hide the truth, I challenge your coup
Just like when Mohammed died, the first year, a coup
You seperated them from men like Yusuf from Yaqoob

But when you tried to hide them, their beauty more saw
The greatness of this house, how many more saw
Those who parted the sea for the path of Musa

They would inspire Prophets indeed they would
No fire of evil could burn their wood
To defeat Goliath they inspired Dawud

The same inspiration in which you saw laymen
I say inspiration where you say laymen
Their names ridden on the palace of Suleyman

A year of theirs greater than your year
Immortal lessons touched Prophets ears and not your ear
From the head of Hussain learnt the head of Yahya

They were chosen by God and not your choices
When something’s sacred only divinity chooses
They were praised and loved by even Jesus

Harmed by all they couldn’t be more harmed
But they rained goodness where sin was more humid
They conclude with Mehdi and began with Mohammed

And instilled light in the hearts of the sons of Adam

* * *

(New Jersey – 04/06/14)

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