Let Us Pray

Imam Mehdi… let us pray… for your return
And in duaa… to Allah… today we turn

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Imam Mehdi know that the heart calls your name
The heartbeat and your name now sound just the same
When we were born at our cradles when you came
You lit in us, Master, an undying flame

And till today… O’ Mehdi… that flame still burns
Here in duaa… to Allah… today we turn

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We raise our hands wondering which sky sees you
Your scent lingers Master in the morning dew
Would skies not fall down to your feet if they knew
That beneath them walked Allah’s last living truth

They would all fall… in their awe… if they would learn
Here in duaa… to Allah… today we turn

* * *

We turn to Mecca wondering if you’re there
By the Ka’ba as Muslims stand up for prayer
As the wind brushes O’ Master through your hair
Of the touch of Zahra’s son is it aware?

The wind will blow… to you as.. you it would yearn
Here in duaa… to Allah… today we turn

* * *

Upon the throne, angels roam and they ask God
Don’t you see these prayers coming, don’t you O’ Lord
Allah hears us and we see twitch does your sword
Perhaps this year your lovers shall all applaud

O’ friend of time… know your time… is our concern
Here in duaa… to Allah… today we turn

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When we pray know that your prayer is not worthless
O’ lover of Mehdi your prayer is priceless
Just like we pray for Mehdi, he prays for us
His prayers a light that lift up all our darkness

And what a prize… that his prayer… we just might earn
Here in duaa… to Allah… today we turn

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Dearborn – 09/03/2



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