The Clock

The clock stops ticking… the clouds stop moving
And all that remains…. the dew of morning
The thought of you

The soil is fertile… the roses frail
And somewhere in them… wanders does my soul
In search of you

And the Earth turns… not for day or night
Nor to keep it in flight… but because it is searching
Like me it’s in yearning… and the stars are falling
To the call of you

They say absence… makes hearts grow fonder
Makes resolve stronger… but here I am dying
To a heart still singing… of its ache and longing
For a sight of you

* * *

Like star crossed lovers.. oceans and rivers
And all that there is… has been placed between us
Between me and you

All my desires… turn to smoke and amber
And in their horror… desires falter
Preferring you

The universe… spins not in unison
Nothing in union… without you here to guide it
Wrap it in your comfort… it cannot be apart
From the heart in you

And my own heart… is set to be stone
Broken and alone… setting with each sunset
Cheeks that with tears are wet.. candles in my heart lit
In honour of you

* * *

(Dearborn – 12/03/22)



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