Footsteps of Muhammad

As we rejoice… make a promise
I shall walk the footsteps of Muhammad

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The day of our Prophet’s birth… where the Heavens and the Earth… both celebrate
As the angels, jinn and all… as every world cries a call… that God is great
Today born is God’s mercy… round its might and gravity… goodness rotates
God’s Muhammad is cradled… as all around his cradle… angles prostrate

Each of them cry… out to the sky
I shall walk the footsteps of Muhammad

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Muhammad was no mere man… in his flesh Allah had planned… a road to Him
He is a map to the stars… that tells us they can be yours… all the Heavens
Remember when you are bold… he would greet the young and old… respecting them
He’d never withdraw his hand… with others, the last to stand… what humble limbs

By him I’ll stand… I’ll walk his land
I shall walk the footsteps of Muhammad

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To be just like the Prophet… make sure you always forgive… those who’ve wronged you
He’d ask of those he’d not seen… and his smile would not leave… those he’d speak to
He would never interrupt… and how weighty were his words… though they were few
A sense of humour and yet… no lie would his tongue beget… all his words true

Like him I’ll speak… and truth I’ll seek
I shall walk the footsteps of Muhammad

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He would never become full… and hungry he left this world… to meet his Lord
Our Prophet would love perfume… he’d spend more on it than food… he was adored
He never walked lazily… and he would travel swiftly… when on the road
He’d admire greenery…. he’d praise God when he’d awake… prayers he performed

Like him I’ll pray… and in his way
I shall walk the footsteps of Muhammad

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He’d sit facing the qibla… on his mind always, Allah… not forgotten
The night prayer he prayed always… completely still when he prayed… in submission
None surpassed him in Quran… on his mind and on his tongue… revelation
Indeed this was our Prophet… immaculate and perfect… our salvation

I salute him… and promise him
I shall walk the footsteps of Muhammad

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(Dearborn – 19/10/22)

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