
Fourteen were born on this Mawlid
And all of them are Muhammad


Here… here in Medina I see a light enter
He… was named Ahmed and cradles him his mother
Eyes… that believe in Allah and the hereafter
See… not just Muhammad but Hussain and Haidar

Muhammad’s Haider… the true successor… Aba Abdillah…is his grandfather

All of them are of the same thread
And all of them are Muhammad


Read… before our Lord had created the whole world
Breathed… was his light into five lights, he cried “behold”
Four… of them by the hand of Muhammad were held
“Who… wants to love us and serve us” to us they called

Yes all fourteen are… the last Messenger…. of him a mirror… his pride and honour

All are Ahmed, have you not read?
And all of them are Muhammad


Know… when the Ka’ba gave birth to Haider Ali
It… felt like it gave birth to Muhammad proudly
When… Fatima in her hands held her new baby
She… felt she was holding her father and dearly

Hassan and Hussain… are his flesh and veins… they are just the same… in all but his name

Only Ahmed succeeds Ahmed
And all of them are Muhammad


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