Against the World

Against the world… we cry Ya Ali
How much they made bitter your sweet name… sweetness it remains

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Ya Ali it’s not that your name
Was once bitter and now is sweet
Prophets’ tongues have tasted your name
Before those same tongues learnt to speak
Your name sits on Prophets’ tongues
While their names sit on parrots’ beaks

Let them recite or not recite
If they take our tongues then we shall write
Of Muhammad’s self and light and sight
And Ahmed’s one true successor

When they bring you down… you still rise Ya Ali
On God’s throne they’ll find your name engraved
Sweetness it remains

* * *

Ya Ali let them place you fourth
Let them place billions before you
It matters not as they are lies
While truth is with you and you with truth
If all companions deserted you
That just means the believers were few

Like at Uhud and Hunayn
They would flee while you’d remain
They took steps to obliteration
You took steps to the hereafter

Always in your sight… your Lord Ya Ali
Tongues that taste your name never complain
Sweetness it remains

* * *

Ya Ali three-hundred verses
Descended on Ahmed in your praise
God did not write the name in them
For he knew your name they would erase
The book of God defended you
And you defended its every page

Back against back, you and the book
You compiled it and there they shook
Knowing that your right they took
In a lust for fleeting power

Inside the Qur’an… your praise Ya Ali
However much your name brings them shame
Greatness it became

* * *

Ya Ali can they bring you down
When Judgement Day rests as your heel?
For only hypocrites hate you
And only hypocrites burn in hell
Sunni and Shia praise your sweet name
Holds hatred for you only evil

Evil that spreads fear and terror
For they claim God but no Haidar
Leaving all Muslims to suffer
No safety or respite either

Those who hold their grasp… on you Ya Ali
Shall never have an abode of pain
Sweetness it remains

* * *

Ya Ali know they can reverse
Against itself the turn of the Earth
And our women would still recite
Your name as to Alis they give birth
Hearts that hold dislike of your name
Were born to wombs that have no worth

Such is the womb that loves Ali
Comfort it gives to its baby
And those that no not purity
Cannot know the pureness of Haidar
Only the pure know… of you Ya Ali
The milk that in your praise it proclaimed
Sweetness it remains

* * *

Ya Ali while they walk the Earth
Aimlessly, we stand firm in Najaf
In a world of disbelief
Your sweet land knows nothing but belief
It is our eternal abode
In a world where even breath is theft

Your dome a crown upon our heads
And as death comes our bodies are led
To where Noah’s Ark made its bed
And there our bodies lie forever

Your intercession… our saviour Ya Ali
When all departed, your rescue came
Sweetness it remains

* * *

Seattle – 09/02/23

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