Peak of Eloquence

Meet men in such a way… that if you die that would mourn
And if you were to live then… they would still long for your return

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Your dream is a mountain whose… peak calls out your name in yearning
Seize days like seeds are seized… by soil, which without growth is nothing
Fear is a lie, unlike the… dream that while you sleep is passing
Conquer that fear and then conquer… all that you wish for and dream

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Never weep for what comes and goes… for this world has no value
Even in secret, for your heart… knows truth more than even you do
The past and future aren’t present… only this moment is true
You abide in one universe… another is inside you

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Beautify your speech yet value… it like the weight of your tongue
Much like the flow of a couplet… let your speech flow like song
Chain up your tongue to a clean mind… lest it destroy anyone
Break a heart and none can save you… not God and by God no-one

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Feed off your secrets as you keep… them buried within your chest
Reflection reflects more than gold… treasures in a treasure chest
Nations are topped by ideas… and tyrants left in unrest
Be victorious in this world… and you will conquer the next

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Never lose sight of your worth… even if you are made blind
When you lose one chance, have faith… that a better one you’ll find
What you work to will come to you… the true power of the mind
One man has the power to be… one step ahead of mankind

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Whatever your mind can construct… by God it can be achieved
By the words can’t, don’t, and difficult…. never be swayed or deceived
Put your hands in sync with Allah’s… and of trials you’ll be relieved
How many have achieved their dreams…. because in them they believed?

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The Earth yearns your roots so settle… wherever you are planted
All plants that refuse their soil… are withered and tormented
Never complain over what you… have, don’t have and have wanted
You can have all you want if you… love all you have been gifted

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Eloquence can only be found… when touched by divinity
Whoever God Himself praises…. of obedience is worthy
Climb the mountain of eloquence… its peak bathed in piety
When living life, when fearing death…. seek gems of Imam Ali

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(London – 03/04/19)

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