Virtues of Ali

Against the wish of the Best of Creation
The love of Ali splits Muhammad’s nation
To Ali we owe our very religion

Recite virtues of Ali… and to God you shall ascend

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Tell me, can there be anyone like Haider?
Open your heart like he opened the Ka’ba
The House of Allah obeyed Ali’s mother

Walls worshipped for centuries… for Ali would crack and bend

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The house you prostrate to swayed like his cradle
Since built by Ibrahim it remained idle
Born there and yet never bowed to an idol

When his eyes first saw their stone… of their destruction he dreamt

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Who – at his own risk – slept in the Prophet’s bed?
Praying he’d be safe when they’d find him instead?
The Quran itself thanks him – have you not read?

Allah would salute Ali… verses in his praise descend

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Whose skin bled before Muhammad’s thought to bleed?
In war whose name did he call to intercede?
When he ascended whose voice did Ahmed heed?

Comforted by his beloved… just as Allah would intend

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Whose sword conquered Uhud, Hunayn and Badr?
Who with just one hand raised the gate of Khaybar?
Who made Marhab shake when he cried “I’m Haider…

Named this name by my mother”… and then Marhab knew his end

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Whose name was taught to Adam as his first word?
His name sweeter than the apple’s taste when called
Through his light, Adam saw the beauty of God

And to receive his Lord’s love… blessings on Ali he’d send

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Who did Ibrahim call to cool the fire?
Unable to burn are lovers of Karrar
Ali became the ark that rescued Noah

No surprise, it’s in his blood… Prophets always he’d defend

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When met with Goliath, who did David call?
Who saved Yunus from the gut of the whale?
Who’d give Yusuf hope when he was locked in jail?

And when Yaqub lost his sight… to his eyesight who’d attend?

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From whose patience did Ayoub’s own patience learn?
When the dead back to life Jesus would return
The light of Ali he would call for and yearn

And place it within their chests… for his live revives the dead

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Whose name did Moses call when splitting the sea?
Whose name did Maryam call out by the date tree?
Who did Muhammad yearn when alone he’d be?

Ali is courage and strength… and Muhammad’s greatest friend

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Call Haider when the world stands up against you
He shows us the righteous prevail even when few
With Haider on your side, you will make it through

Like Muhammad, call Haider… and his hand to you he’ll lend

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Ali’s love is the soul of our religion
For know there would be no Islam without him
His name is called by angels and men and Jinn

A secret deep in the heart… an ocean few comprehend

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Ali is the light of God and His Prophets
Ali is the secret that Allah perfects
Whatever praises Allah, Ali protects

Ali is succession’s dream… all he’d succeed he’d defend

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(London – 30/12/18)

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